Thursday, February 19, 2009

I'm ready for winter to be over! I mean really over.

The problem with Ohio weather is the "tease factor". Just when you can't take the (fill in your weather nightmare) any longer you get a "tease factor" day. The sun shines, the wind stops the temperature goes up or down (depending on the season) and you foolishly think it is going to stay that way. But, alas, it was just the "tease factor" at work and before you can get the wardrobe switched over it is right back to the same old, wind, heat, snow, get the idea. I'm just ready for some steady sunshine. I could take the temperatures if the winds would desist and the sun shine.

Thank you for accompanying me on my monthly pity party. You don't need an invite to attend and eventually I will quit whining.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

What good is a blog with no pictures!

I'm having a growly sort of evening and I'm irritated that my blog doesn't have pictures. Why not, you ask. Reilly has my camera and I really don't have a clue how to do it. Pathetic excuse but I'm sticking with it.

Thankfully, there has been some sun recently but I feel like I'm going the do something irrational because I've had enough of the windy and dreary.

Well now, that was cheerful and with that I will retire to my comfy bed and try to sleep through the remainder of the winter or until I have to get up for Seminary again.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Spring is right around the corner!

I have a wonderful sister-in-law and brother-in-law who come to visit us each year. They fly from LA to Cincinnati to take part in the annual Twin V Harley Davidson Trade Show and we get to visit with them too!

This year was exceptionally fun because there was less to do for the Show, in fact, not a thing. We finally got everyone home at about 2 and then took off.

It sure is funny how a short trip just an hour away can be an adventure. We had the typical "shotgun" hullabaloo but were on our way in no time.

I was so excited the weather was so warm John and I washed the car for the trip, only really dumb idea Regan. It was a disgusting and salty mess by the time we rolled in to the Millenium.

I didn't get to walk the show this year since we were a little late arriving and we had John with us. I love walking through the show. If you don't think a Mormon walking about with Harley folks isn't entertaining you just haven't done it yet. WOW

We had a good dinner, watched the awards show put on by "EasyRider" magazine and headed to the hotel. We watched Wall-E and I didn't even fall asleep. This in and of itself is a miracle.

I just love the Butler family. They are so fun and boy, they can tell a story that will just split your sides. It is great fun for all of us when the Harley show rolls around.