Sunday, June 21, 2009

Family Vacation

We have been inordinately blessed to enjoy some extraordinary family vacations for the past two years. Two years ago we spent time in D.C. when Will was selling pest control in Maryland. Last year my older three kids "forced" me to take the whole family to Disneyworld so John could have the experience with them. They had been 5 times I think when their dad was alive so the experience was something they wanted to share with their brother, albeit missing their dad in the process. It was a wonderful time and we all agreed he was there with us enjoying the whole trip from a different perspective. It was great, which brings us to this year's adventure.

Charleston, well, Sullivan's Island, South Carolina. I have some of the most generous, thoughtful family (in-laws but I claim them as flesh and blood kin). This year my brother-in-law's daughter has arranged for quite a few of the Butler clan to meet at her place and share some fun. Unfortunately, I don't think Will can join us which is sad because he's so much fun and such a great part of any vacation (plus he acts as interpreter when I'm stressed out). Anywho, we will have lots of boy cousins and Reilly and this is great for John who loves "family". He is so excited to see cousins he's never met and to look for shells, dig for clams, fish, go shrimping, discovering new museums of course and generally hanging out with the guys. There are some boys close in age and this is what he really looks forward too since he hangs out with "an older crowd."

I'm not really what you call a beach loving person. I'm more of the nerdy "let's go visit an historical site" kind of vacationer. I don't enjoy frolicking around in a bathing suit nor do I like swimming in water I can't see through but I do LOVE sitting aground and reading a great book.

We've never been to this area of the country and I'm so grateful for family generosity to make it happen. Now, this is the really fun part. After I get to vacation for a week I get to come home and leave the kids there! That's right, I will stay a week and they will stay and additional 5 days. This will give me time to really do some significant work around here (I hope) and not worry about spending time with them, or cooking for them or other things that get in the way of big project work. Hopefully I can pull this off but I'm excited to try.

So let the countdown begin. Fourth of July at the Charleston Harbor will be awesome!

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